About Patsy
Patsy Bellington has been singing on stage since she was six years old. With her creative and energetic personality, she has the ability to reach out, touch an audience and draw listeners into what she is singing about on stage. Her ability to connect with her audience is most unique. In earlier years she was active in community theatres in Tennessee, Florida and Texas, where she played title roles in South Pacific, Sound of Music, Samuel Barbers’ Little Red Riding Hood and others.
She has appeared with performers, including Jerry Clower, James Blackwood, Hovie Lister, Terry Blackwood, Squire Parsons, Jake Hess, The Weatherfords, Bobby Clark and others. Stan Knowles, former national and international broadcaster, says of her, “You can’t put a label on Patsy. She sings country, gospel, and the great hymns of the faith with such personal conviction and charisma. You can’t help but be drawn to the heart and message of her music.”
Patsy has traveled to several countries around the world, including Canada, South America, Mexico, Brazil and Asia, taking with her the contagious and enthusiastic musical message of the love of Christ. Currently she sings in churches, theatres, and various showcases across the United States. “I want to connect with my audience when I am singing or sharing words of faith, whether it is in church or in a family show,” she says. “And it always amazes me how music crosses all barriers of language, age and race of people.”
Life has brought many changes through the deaths of her parents, a six-year-old grandson, and husband. Having walked, almost simultaneously, through several valleys of the shadow of death, she has personally experienced the love and peace of Christ, whom she sings about in concerts. She knows the message of hope for death’s dark hours when there are no earthly answers to the questions of the heart. That has brought new depth to her music. Patsy will warm your heart with her testimony of faith, and her music will draw you to Christ as she sings. While Patsy was once known as an entertainer in earlier years, today the listener gets far more from her music than solely entertainment.