Back in the Studio
Dear Friends,
That’s right! I’m back in the studio and gearing up for a brand new CD. This is an exciting time as I get back on the singing trail.
I am working on a new recording that should be out in early spring! It will include many old and favorite Gospel Songs, with a special tribute to Dottie Rambo. I have spent a lot of time thinking and praying about the music that I will do, and I want to reach the hearts and lives of people who might be hurting.
This life has so many challenges, and it is always a reminder to us that this isn’t it!! We are on a journey toward home with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. My goal will be to bring hope and comfort with these songs. I have completed two songs in the studio (He’s All I Need and It Is No Secret) and there are more to come. I am most blessed to be working with the great Randy Wills, producer and amazing keyboard artist! Keep watching for my updates!!