Precious Memories
Sample Song:
*Precious Memories*
From the CD Album:
*Goin’ Home*
Home. That word says many things to many people. For me my Earthly Home was located, for many years, back in East Tennessee. Much of my heart is still there. I go back often to the place of my roots. I see old and familiar places and faces that warm my heart. Home . . . where my family and I made an ocean of memories! But I am also looking ahead to my Heavenly Home. There we will be with old friends and family forever, gathered around that Glorious Throne to worship our Lord Jesus, the King! I hope the songs I have chosen for this project will bring back precious memories as you think back on your life here on Earth. And if you know Jesus, you are looking forward, as I am, to that great “Welcome to Heaven” day! Be blessed on the journey!